Create user account

TIP:Please note that only one account is allowable per applicant. With clicking the button “Create account", your account will be set up and you simultaneously agree to electronic communication with Hochschule Osnabrück. If you already have an aktive INTRANET-ACCOUNT from Hochschule Osnabrück please use that one for your online-application. If you don't have your INTRANET login details available or if you have other questions regarding the login, please contact our support team via e-mail: or via telephone: +49541 969-7100. (Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 17:00h, Friday from 8:00 to 15:00h).

I acknowledge and agree to the information regarding data protection .

Please pay attention to the accuracy of information you provide. Changes of entered data in your application are not possible later on.

Please fill in the following fields.
Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisc (*)

User data
User data
Your e-mail address is your username
TIP: Have you checked the information you entered? If yes, finish your registration now. Please click on "Next" for checking the data you entered. If all is correct, please click on "Create account". You will now receive an e-mail with your user data for the application portal of Hochschule Osnabrück. Generally, you will receive the e-mail containing all necessary information within the next 5 minutes.

Please note, though, that the speed of transmission depends on your internet service provider.